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Many have asked why?

Writer's picture: Nigel RushmanNigel Rushman

Updated: Sep 12, 2018

Listening to a Blinkist of Simon Sinek’s ‘Start with Why’, I asked myself this question about our iAccredit software.

We had a good business in Sports event accreditation. We still do. But over the years so much was changing we needed to change too. More importantly, much more importantly, the world of events and event Management` was changing.

Sports Event Accreditation was getting out of hand. Whilst becoming ever more important as an essential element of event security, budgets were going through the roof. And the complexities were ensuring that only the events with big budgets could afford to use the best systems.

We wanted to change that. We wanted to ensure that anyone needing to control access to their event and identify the participants whether they are officials, competitors, volunteers or stewards could use the best system.

We were constantly frustrated that the costs of Accreditation for smaller events were prohibitive.

We now all have the tools at our fingertips and we figured if you could book travel itineraries and do your banking on your smartphone why not event Accreditation?

Why not indeed.

So we set out on the journey of creating an online system, an ‘App’ if you prefer. That system should be able to cope with varying events, any sport, any size, any where, any time.

To achieve that it would need to be at cost that any event could afford.

So we built it.

We took huge care and poured everything we knew from 25 years of accreditation projects into The dedication of our team to pour over the details and think through the tiniest of improvements was astounding. It was and is an obsession.

We are very proud of it. It thrills us to see events from all over the world finding it through the web and just starting straight away. No sales pitch and patter. No licence agreements and long term commitments. No puzzling user manuals.

Just set up and go.

So Why did we do it?

Events from four continents have been set up on iAccredit. We have had some lovely compliments. But in a funny way it’s the events that just get on and do it that give us the real thrill.

We know that Accreditation is not the only thing event managers have to do. For many it’s an afterthought. Just like really.

Stealing a phrase from Nike, we have enabled sports events to ‘Just do it’

That’s Why.

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