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Wix v Medium

Writer's picture: Nigel RushmanNigel Rushman

Here is my great post. It is a riveting read.

Hopefully on this new blog people will be able to find them and not be charged for reading them as they were on Medium. Wix also has SEO so I am hopeful of an increased readership.

They will find a path to my outpourings (see what I did there - picture of a path). Now I will add another, just as a trial you understand.

OK so that looks a bit weird.

Looking at Text sizes

Just general reading and titles and how it looks on big screens and mobiles. This to me seems the best on big screens. The smaller text gets a bit lost maybe.

Just general reading and titles and how it looks on big screens and mobiles. This to me seems the best on big screens. The smaller text gets a bit lost maybe.

Anyway I am going to publish this soon as no-one will be able to find it for the time being and I can delete it. That was just normal text - bold - not sure I would want to do that.

Just before I do let me add a link to Rushmans After all we wouldn't want to miss the opportunity of promotion.


Thinking more about Wix and the more I play around with it, I prefer it to Medium. There are some lovely formatting things in Medium - How pictures can fill the backgrounds and you can scroll over them etc., but in reality all you those benefits are no good at all if you are only able to promote your blog to the closed Medium community.

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