On top of that you can call me an irritant — a plain and direct speaking agitator — an agent of pace, pragmatism and reality.
I won’t take it personally.
And if I were to put it even more simply — I’m restless for change. As a consequence I’m completely obsessed by ridding the world — (the bits of it that I can influence) — of supreme idiocy.
I’m not alone but I am vocal

I’m amazed that people running businesses today continue to think and behave as they do when literally EVERYTHING around them and their business has changed.
And that’s how it will remain — forever in a state of perpetual change.
“What truly concerns me though is that they say they want to change — and they want to adapt to the new world — but they don’t do what’s needed to make it happen. WTF?”
They carry on using the same old techniques, the same processes for everything — and then they get cranky when it doesn’t have the impact they imagined it would. What were they thinking?
Quite bizarre!
Ostrich Or Emu?

Burying their heads in the sand while new agile businesses fly past them. And at blistering pace — with energy for everything digital — everything valuable.
“A gazillion new businesses ringing a whole new order of change. It’s exponential. New products, service experiences, transactional approaches and lower costs. They are alive with it all — full of verve — doing great things that human beings want. Entrepreneurs.”
To be blunt I’ve had it with the swathes of stale, pale and male people worrying more about what ties to wear and what dinners to go to. They are blind to what’s going on.
Entirely new generations are setting up in their garages — creating amazing products and already tucking into their lunch.
The World Needs More 'Real' Individuals

The more we conform to convention the more we allow convention to make the world deeply boring.
“Conventionality is the mother of complacency and boy do I get to see more than my fair share of that. Far worse — for humanity conventions would have us in stupefied thrall to fat (and often lazy) institutions.”
The world isn’t a fair place at the best of times — and yet as individuals we all desperately want it to be a far more creative and vital place.
One where everyone can thrive.
Being — The Perpetual Entrepreneur

What made me an irritant? Have you ever watched Gordon Ramsay rant?
I started out in one of the toughest of all the ‘experience businesses’ — Restaurants!
Being a congenial kind of person — in my younger days I worked in Michelin Three Star establishments as well as many others not quite so famous.
And being a confident kind of person — I decided to start my own catering company. And being a bloody impatient kind of person I sold that and built a Commercial Event Management Business.
(I will explain what that means if you ask me)

And then — being an utterly restless person — and always witnessing crises — I created an award winning Marketing & PR company specialising in Crisis Management.
And then — and it could have been any industry — but unfortunately for the sporting world I noticed that the Media (bless them) were poorly served at Major Sports Events.
So - being an irritant - I set about causing a bit of a kerfuffle
I built a very successful Media Specialist service for major sports events to specifically service the need — quite literally raising the game for all involved. This includes three Rugby World Cups and four Cricket World Cups, World and European Football as well as 30 other sports.
If I had the time I could reflect proudly on programmes delivered for over 500 events in 30 countries.But being a jitterbug I don’t have the time — there’s too much left to do.
And like I say it could have been any industry

More recently I’ve had the pleasure and genuine privilege to be a Strategic Adviser to a innovative and highly professional team in the Middle East.
As a team it made history by winning Qatar the opportunity to host the FIFA World Cup in 2022. It took in every single lesson I have ever learned from above.
Rushmans is now my sole mission — ‘Making it Real’ is my mantra bringing practical experience to clients all over the place.
I’ve coupled it with all the innovative techniques I can find to assist enterprises with their challenges and opportunities.
A big part of this (and we’ve been collaborating for over 25 years) is with Group Partners.
Art & Science – And Physics
Throughout all of this many other dimensions emerged.
I became a founding partner of industry journal ‘Sport Business’ and Co Founder of Venica with the mission of ‘Making Good Science Good Business’.

And because I’m a chatty person — I’ve devoted a lot of time to speaking. Giving talks to the IOC, FIFA & SportAccord (amongst others) about my thoughts on pretty much everything.
From how to run and manage world-class events to the countless lessons I’ve learned about how to avoid catastrophe in complex and global enterprises.
I can talk for hours…
Going Deep For A Minute

It may seem strange but it it’s highly related — I’ve developed a real interest in Psychology and Emotional Intelligence as it applies to all of the above.
It has been probably the foundation of much more value with the (now 23 at the last count) businesses and initiatives that I’m involved in worldwide.
One more thing...

Rushmans Is Wholly Focussed on Delivering.
Delivering Value.
Enabling Enterprise To Realise Success
Think of us as an agent for positive disruption. At the beginning of most of our large assignments we apply structured and visual thinking because it works.
Because we have had considerable experience in the field we remain working on the delivery of major events — to us they are the epitomy of the large scale and complex challenge.
“Whether it’s an Olympic Games or a Global Conference. Winning a complex bid and the critical assessment involved — the development and implementation of strategy — or the event hosting strategy — the event management, the security the accreditation and knowledge & experience transfer — our job is to ‘Make it Real’.” “And we take that very seriously indeed.”
Contact Me: @nrushman
